“Timely advice is lovely, like golden apples in a silver basket.”

Proverbs 25:11

Divorce care doesn’t start at recovery

Timely divorce care actually starts the moment a court case number is given.

Unfortunately, most churches tend to focus solely on divorce recovery simply because pastoral staff turn a blind eye to those suffering through a divorce, are unequipped to deal with what members are experiencing inside the family court system or they don’t have a trusted resource to help their members.

But there is a trusted resource for churches and their members who are desperately praying for help within the body of the church (speaking from experience). 

The DIVODY™ Academy is a comprehensive faith-based, online program designed to handhold your members through the family court system with timely in-depth video guides, an extensive resource download center, private online community, personal mentoring, and my personal courtroom scriptures and prayers.

The program is carefully crafted based on my 12-year family court battle and caters to those desperately trying to navigate their way through the dark and lonely halls of the family court system.

It is my Genesis 50:20, and I’ve taken the lessons from the harm inflicted on me and turned it into a light of hope for those who are emotionally fatigued, mentally and physically exhausted, and financially stricken within the family court system.

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Read what my brave clients have to say about working with me.

“And as for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.” Genesis 50:20

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