withstand definition

If you know me well, you know that I love to shop. From the kitchen gadgets that just make you look cool to high-top sneakers for my be-bop days.

One of my favorite stores to spend an afternoon in is that whole-in-the-attic antique store tucked away on a random street.

I love the flavor of eras mixed with different genres and the quick, hands-on history lessons I get from reading the product descriptions quietly tucked away on the bottom of items.

I have fond memories of my grandmother and like most old people, she had old things that carried a distinct smell. My friends think I am weird because when I scavenge in an antique shop I get a little touchy-feely with items that catch my eye. I like to feel the treasure piece but I also like to lean in and take a deep, inhale and allow the scent to transcends me into that era.

My home is covered with vintage pieces I inherited from my grandmother or pieces I bought and refurbished. You know you are getting something good when you buy a vintage piece because the quality and craftsmanship are unmatched – it was built to withstand.

True craftsmen take pride in their handiwork for it is an art. They use the best materials and the right tools. Their hands are their bread and butter – their namesake. They take pleasure in building something that will last from generation to generation, and withstand the test of times.

Jesus was The Craftsman. He gathered the best materials when He created you and chiseled every inch of your body. You were created in His perfect image and He built you to withstand – remain undamaged or unaffected by; resist; offer strong resistance or opposition to (someone or something) – the affliction and adversity you face by faith.

The unexpected surprise with a vintage find is it can get better over time. I love to refurbish and take something old and make it new. The refurbishing process is therapeutic for me. To improve something and see the transformation before my eyes is magical.

God takes pleasure in restoring His masterpiece.

There are times when we come to the Master Craftsman completely broken, warn down, cracked, full of blemish and if you have gone through hell you may be missing some pieces that got lost in the abuse that tried to destroy you, in the shuffle from state to state, home to home, in search of peace and hope.

If you are in need of restoration, I ask that you join me now by going to the Father with a simple request. With your arms cupped together, knees to the ground and heart in a pliable form, speak this words:

“Lord, I come to you with blemishes. You are the only person who can make me over. May you tighten my faith with Your strength so I may endure. Father, sand away the mental scars that prevent me from fully healing and having positive thoughts. Remove the stains of sin that try to keep me in bondage. Lord God, fill the cracks that separate my faith from reality with wisdom, understanding and knowledge. Carve out the rotten vessels of my heart and break every chain. May the newness in my heart allow Your glory to shine. Lord, thank you for restoring my heart and home. I surrender all to you as I want to be built to withstand. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

The good thing is God accepts you right where you are, you just have to have faith. How much faith? Enough to create the thought that God can restore you. That he can take your tired, cracked and/or blemished heart and home, and with the same tools He used to create you, refurbished you to your original beauty.


“The Lord your God has multiplied you, and look, today you are as numerous as the stars of heaven.”
-Deuteronomy 1:10

“For he was [waiting expectantly and confidently] looking forward to the city which has foundations, [an eternal, heavenly city] whose architect and builder is God.”
-Hebrews 11:10